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Managing Accounts and Assets in Southern California

The Leonard Financial Group, LLC manages accounts and assets for investors in Southern California. Our financial experts devise short-term and long-term strategies for our clients and help acquire and dispose of portfolio holdings. We handle financial assets and other investments, including banking, budgeting, and tax services. Our firm manages finances and capital for corporate and individual investments. We use our professional experience and expertise to deliver results, outperform the market, and help our clients meet their investment goals. Our financial advisors can assist with investments in shareholdings, bonds, real estate, and other assets.

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Highly Specialized Services to Boost Your Income

We provide quality investment management services to help you monitor and track your finances and securities. Our leading financial advisors will work with other investment managers and help you establish appropriate custodial accounts. We arrange to transfer selected assets and execute trades to coordinate contributions and distributions to and from an account. We will maintain tax and finance records of investment assets and ensure compliance with investment policies. When you work with us, you don’t have to make your decisions alone. Our team works toward your ultimate benefit to help you succeed.

Leading Investment Management From Qualified Professionals

Our team is here to help you reach your investment goals and make the most out of your assets. As we monitor our client’s progress toward achieving their investment objectives, we will provide quarterly portfolio performance reports of each fund manager compared to related benchmarks. For tax planning purposes, you’ll receive yearly tax reports reflecting basic information on realized and unrealized gains and losses. When appropriate, our investment managers will also rebalance the portfolio to the recommended weighting to adjust to changes in market conditions.

Call Today to Schedule a Consultation