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Frequently Asked Questions

The Leonard Financial Group, LLC is a Registered Investment Advisor or RIA licensed with the State of California. Each financial professional also passed state-mandated exam(s) and is individually licensed. You may check our biographies on this website to see each individuals’ license as well as the firms ADV filing.

All investments recommended by The Leonard Financial Group, LLC are vetted, and registered with the appropriate agency. Different investments require differing registrations. We review our recommendation to be sure only appropriate investment recommendation are made to each client.

The potential for greater returns comes with greater risk. Understanding this crucial trade-off between risk and reward can make the difference between an appropriate investment and a speculative gamble. Investments with greater risk may offer higher potential returns, but they will more than likely expose you to greater investment losses. Keep in mind every investment carries some degree of risk and no legitimate investment offers the best of both worlds. We develop financial plans and Investment Policy Statements (or IPS) with the expressed and specific purpose of providing our client confidence they are on track to achieve their goals that require money and planning.

Although we are not able to fully education you on all types of all investments, nor are we qualified to do so, we want you to be comfortable with the financial plan and the investment plan. We will share as much information as we can to achieve this goal. If you aren’t comfortable with the plan, you are less likely to stick with it and that does no good for helping you achieve your goals.

If you have questions or concerns or simply want to learn more, there are several unbiased resources available to you. You may check out the National Association of Professional Financial Advisor (NAPFA:, the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards (CFP Board:, the Financial Planning Association (FPA:, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC: ) or the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA: Whether checking out an investment professional, researching an investment, or learning about new products or scams, make a habit of using the information and tools on securities regulators’ websites.

You may email us at or call our office at 951-781-7320. You may also click the “Free Consultation” button at the top of this page.

The Leonard Financial Group, LLC is a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) as defined under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and a registered investment adviser (“IA”) regulated by the State of California under Corporations Code (“Code”) Section 25009.

As a California registered Investment Advisor, we are required to provide firm disclosures including but not limited to Part II of Form ADV and our firm’s privacy policy. Our Form ADV may also be accessed by going to the Investment Adviser Public Disclosure site and then entering “The Leonard Financial Group, LLC” in the “Firm” box and clicking “Search”.

The Leonard Financial Group, LLC is an independent investment advisory firm (as defined under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940) registered with the State of California under Corporations Code (“Code”) Section 25009 with no material conflicts of interest.

This means that we have no alliances or financial or other relationships with any outside money management firms, mutual fund companies, broker/dealer firms, or insurance companies. Because we remain independent from any outside parties, we can retain complete objectivity in rendering advice to you.

The Leonard Financial Group, LLC does not receive payments from outside money management firms or any other third parties, thereby ensuring that we have no material conflicts of interest. This also ensures that we don’t have potential conflicts of interest since we receive 100% of our compensation directly from clients. Our clients retain the authority to choose to accept or reject our recommendation(s). The Leonard Financial Group, LLC will receive the same amount of compensation.

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